I would have made a liar out of anyone who said your life started ending that day Nestled into a plastic red chair and forest green walls, I mean an actual forest, painted with branches and trees, leaves and soft, steady beeps (no, that was the IV) never mind, you were Bent over your leg, drawing on it with Sharpie, Laughing, you were so alive Facing the mightiest horrors and Telling them your best jokes You were bulletproof, you were so big, You made a mockery of your monsters Even as they dragged you down So much so that it didn’t matter what happened when they led you down to the gurney Told you they were ready And you started to cry I could allow you that moment Yes, I made the exception Letting your screams reach the ceiling Filling out the corners of my mind I did that for you, invincible you, because you were so alive And I don’t believe anyone who puts their faith in your grave It can’t be, I feel you in every step, small and Powerful, and you are so alive You live through the cackle that escapes my chest, I can’t control it The butter that binds my bakes together, soft and golden You rattle out my lungs like an old song Handed down to the people who love me, who would have loved you So if what they say is true, if life dripped out of you, then let the liars keep digging, because you live in me.
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